Click on to the thumbnails to start the gallery.
Gipsy 001 Gipsy 002 Gipsy 003
Gipsy 004 Gipsy 005 Gipsy 006
Gipsy 007 Gipsy 008 Gipsy 009

 Portraits of Gipsys from India to Europe.

The road was since the first time the place of the gipsys. To move and to live on the road were maybe the most important signs of identification for them. With the modern time and the tragedies of the 20. Century the conditions of life have changed more and more for them. Most of the gipsys in Europe didn't move any more. A lot of them are staying since two or three generations in the same house, in the same village or the same town. They are working often for the agriculture or in factories. Some of them are lawyers, teachers or doctors. This evolution means a deep change for their own life and identity. 

But if the conditions of life are now different, the road, maybe a hidden one, is still for the most of this population important. It is an interior road often without words but present, essential.

Alain Rivière has taken portraits of different gipsys of India, Romania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Spain and Germany to show a actual common identity of all this people. 

Furthermore the portraits are an attempt to exhibit an ethic aspect of gipsys today and to pass it on to the observers of the work. The hidden road is also an ethic one, maybe for all of us.

The photos for an exhibition are format 24x30 cm, normally presented in frames format 40x50 cm. Till 36 photos of this series could be exhibited.

Gipsys/The Hidden Road
Alain Rivière